Teach A Dog To Wear A Muzzle: See Tips

Teaching a dog to wear a muzzle: see tips

There are dogs that have no choice but to wear a muzzle. Therefore, it is necessary to get him used to it.  Some may wear this object throughout their lifetime, others only for a season.  Either way, it is necessary to teach a dog to wear a muzzle so that they can get out and interact with other dogs or people without putting them in danger.

Dogs classified as potentially dangerous are required to wear muzzles throughout their lives, for example. In any case, it should not be seen as a punishment or something negative for the dog.

Teaching a dog to wear a muzzle

The muzzle is a foreign object that the dog has to carry on its nose, so it is uncomfortable. Teaching your dog to use it is necessary so that he doesn’t perceive it as a punishment or something negative. If the dog leaves with discomfort for never having put on a muzzle, it  is possible that the walks are of poor quality.

Therefore, he will try to take it away, he will be frustrated and he will not sniff. Therefore, it will not walk at will. As we know,  for a dog, walking is one of the most anticipated moments of the day. Therefore, we must not allow any dog ​​to be without its ride.

Furthermore, it is noteworthy that the fact that  a dog wears a muzzle does not mean that it is dangerous. There are many reasons why a dog can wear a muzzle and still be well controlled. For example, dogs of potentially dangerous breeds are required by law to wear muzzles in public places throughout their lives, regardless of their behavior.

dog with muzzle

Types of muzzle

Before teaching a dog to wear a muzzle, you need to figure out what kind of muzzle you want to wear. There are several models you can choose from. Prefer one that is basket type and has openings at the front. That way,  you can give him prizes  when you take him for a walk the first few times in order to  establish good associations with the muzzle.

introduce the muzzle

You must present the muzzle at home or in a very familiar and safe environment for your dog. This must be done before putting it out for the first time. The muzzle is a very strange object that  is not pleasant to wear. Therefore, before going out on the street, the dog needs to know the object well or it will be trying to remove it throughout the walk.

To do this, start by making the muzzle more of an object. Always leave it within reach of the animal, it must be able to smell and see it among the toys and other objects in the house.

Then place some prizes or tasty food around the object. That way he will be attracted by the muzzle. Finally, you can start putting the prizes inside the muzzle. Putting your face on an object for the first time is pretty weird. So don’t force your dog and let him decide when to approach  and put his nose inside the muzzle.

Little by little, the dog will become less hesitant to stick his head around to pick up prizes. When that happens, present the awards through the front opening of the muzzle. When he approaches to eat, put on the muzzle, but keep giving him prizes. Thus, the dog will see that although it is uncomfortable, it is worth using the object.

Repeat these steps a few times and your dog will already associate the muzzle with things he likes. Also,  it will have been used for a while and the feeling of carrying something on your muzzle will be less uncomfortable.

dog with muzzle

games with the muzzle

Wearing a muzzle cannot be a punishment or a sentence, as it is nothing more than a safety measure. Of course, remember to play games and fun things with your dog when he’s muzzled. Show him that you’re not punishing him, but actually, when he’s muzzled, he’ll have fun and play with you.

You shouldn’t just muzzle your dog to go out and not play with him. If so, he will eventually discover that nothing cool happens when he’s muzzled. In fact, he’s going to start hating her. Finally, he’ll end up associating that, going out with her, he won’t have fun. It’s easy to make a good association:  never make the muzzle negative.

In other words, playing with the muzzled animal and putting it on when you’re not going out is part of the process of teaching your dog to use it. Don’t fall into a rut and become predictable.

other people and the muzzle

You will pass people on the street who are afraid of their dog because they are muzzled. Owners of other dogs are likely not to let them get close.  After all, many see a dog with a muzzle and think it’s dangerous. However, this may not be the reality. After all, there are dogs that necessarily need to wear a muzzle when they leave the house, even if they don’t have any kind of aggressive attitude.

This is tremendously unfair if your pet is not the violent type. There are a few things you can do to make your dog pass and look less suspicious :

  • Choose the most discreet muzzle and the one that has the best camouflage with your dog’s color.
  • Decorate the muzzle with pretty colors.
  • Walk with another dog without a muzzle next to your dog. That way  you can show that your dog doesn’t have any aggressive personality problems.
  • Avoid crossing places where there are people. If, in fact, your dog has to wear a muzzle because he doesn’t like people or dogs, avoid them. You will avoid many problems and  reduce your dog’s stress levels.

Like the guide, the muzzle is an artificial element . You should teach a dog to wear a muzzle so that he can be who he normally is while walking.  It’s not difficult and your dog’s life will change dramatically.

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