Terrariums For Arachnids: Everything You Need To Know

Terrariums for arachnids must have specific conditions so that the spider that will live in the place feels comfortable and safe. Let’s introduce you to the basic requirements.
Terrariums for Arachnids: Everything You Need to Know

Terrariums for arachnids? Yes! Spiders have now become pets for many people. For this reason, the need arose to design spaces where these animals can live as in their natural habitat.

Having spiders as pets is a novelty that has become popular due to the appearance and behavior of these animals. It can be said that this is a paradoxical trend, considering that some studies indicate that  the rejection of spiders is something evolutionary.  As might be expected, humans reject what is potentially harmful.

However, there seems to be an interest in overcoming this fearful relationship and many people have been enthusiastic about the idea of ​​having spiders as pets. At this point, it is necessary to think about having a special place for them, in addition to knowing the risks involved. Let’s talk about this in the following lines.

Advantages of having an arachnid as a pet

Before you bring a spider home and build your terrarium, you should know that, like any other pet, it needs time and care. Still, its size and behavior give it advantages over other animals. Among them, we highlight the following:

  • In most cases, arachnids adapt very well to small spaces. In fact, this is what happens in nature, as they tend to make a den and not move away from it unless strictly necessary.
  • Spiders are usually very solitary animals. Therefore, it is not necessary for them to have company in their terrariums. In fact, they are not very sociable animals and will attack any member of their species.
  • The maintenance of the terrarium is easy and cheap. Because it’s such a small place, it doesn’t require much on your part after installation. Also, spiders are very clean animals that will do a lot of the work.
  • Because they are predatory, they must feed on small live animals such as insects and lizards. However, they don’t need to eat every day. Adults, for example, can eat once a week.
  • In addition to being clean, spiders are quiet and very calm, although this characteristic depends on the species in question.

A blue tarantula on a tree.

Disadvantages of having an arachnid in a terrarium

In the case of spiders, there are very positive things about raising other animals, but there are also disadvantages. Among them, we highlight the following:

  • Most spiders are poisonous. Its stings can cause anything from allergic reactions to cramps or severe pain. All arachnids attack when they face a threat, not unjustifiably.
  • More exotic spiders require more care and more complex terrariums. Depending on where they come from, they may need humidifiers and electronics in order to control the ambient temperature.
  • Your life expectancy is relative. Although most arachnids only live a few years, tarantulas live between 20 and 30 years. Females generally live longer than males.
  • Due to its ability to escape in seconds, the spider terrarium must always remain closed.

Terrariums for Arachnids: Everything You Need to Know

Well, now that you know the advantages and disadvantages of having a spider as a pet, it’s time to tell you everything you need to know about terrariums for arachnids.

a good size

While it’s true that spiders do well in small spaces, the terrarium should be at least twice the size of the spider. Only in this way will it be possible to meet the needs of the animal, which needs to move around, and allow space for the construction of webs for hunting food.

Tropical weather

The terrarium needs to meet specific conditions to be inhabited. For this, it is necessary to regulate the temperature, humidity and lighting as close as possible to a tropical climate. This scenario is best for most exotic arachnids, but others need semi-desert conditions.

Humidity Control

Calculating the terrarium humidity is necessary and important for the pet spider. You can provide the substrate with the water it needs to maintain this ambiance by using a sprayer once or twice a week. Naturally, care must be taken not to spray on the animal or other elements.

Anyway, remember that some arachnids are endemic in desert places. Be well informed about the species you are going to acquire, as excess humidity for a species with an arid climate can end your life.

with sun and shade

It is necessary for the terrarium to have a cold part and a hot part, which is not always so easy to achieve. For the hot part, you can use a thermal blanket under the terrarium or on the bottom, without exceeding 40% of the total surface. That way you can have different temperatures in the same environment.

good but functional

The beauty of the terrarium will please the caretakers more than the spiders. However, feel free to decorate your pet’s house however you see fit. Of course, considering that the ornaments must be functional for the spider that will live there.

It’s important that your 8-legged friend can move around freely without feeling overwhelmed, but also that she has a space to rest in solitude. As for water, put in a bowl that you can easily change every day. Make sure that fresh air enters the installation through the upper metal slits, but remember to keep the terrarium tightly closed.

Items to consider include the following:

  • stones
  • Cacti but no thorns.
  • Plants.
  • Coconut fiber.
  • Sticks and branches.

Terrarium for arachnids.

Terrariums for Arachnids: Build Yours!

Now you know what are the most important aspects of terrariums for arachnids. If you considered the advantages and disadvantages of having a spider as a pet and made your decision, you can build your own terrarium, always meeting the animal’s needs.

Remember, we’ve shown you general care for the most common exotic arachnids, but not all of them have the same requirements. Always find out about the animal’s needs before purchasing it.

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