The Benefits Of Animal Chiropractic

Chiropractic care as an alternative medicine for animals is starting to gain ground in the veterinary market.
The Benefits of Animal Chiropractic

The principles and practices of animal chiropractic do not differ much from those normally used in human beings. The veterinary community, however, has mixed opinions about its effectiveness.

What Exactly Is Animal Chiropractic?

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines chiropractic care as “a health care profession that deals with the treatment, diagnosis and prevention of disorders of the neuromusculoskeletal system and their effects on general health”.

The Spanish Chiropractic Association, for example, adds that professionals in this discipline are mainly dedicated to correcting possible spinal joint disorders, also called vertebral subluxations.

In animals, subluxations can also occur due to lack of movement in other joints. These injuries are usually caused by trauma, lack of exercise, difficulties in childbirth or physical deterioration due to age.

The Benefits of Animal Chiropractic

In this sense, animal chiropractic care would focus on recovering the mobility of the spine and the rest of the joints, which improves the strength and flexibility of the animal’s musculature and skeleton.

The controversy surrounding the effectiveness of animal chiropractic

Although there are several associations dedicated to training veterinary professionals in animal chiropractic, such as the Ibero- American Veterinary Chiropractic Association or the American Veterinary Chiropractic Association (AVCA), the truth is that few veterinarians choose to train in this discipline, despite continuing to offer treatments .

This lack of training has a lot to do with the widespread perception that animal chiropractic is a type of alternative medicine and, as such, is not recognized by large veterinary organizations such as the European Board of Veterinary Specializations (EBVS).

Chiropractic care focuses on correcting posture, manipulating the spine and restoring joint functionality, but there are not many official reports that support the effectiveness of its treatments.

The Benefits of Animal Chiropractic

The few studies available are usually funded by institutions that offer training courses in animal chiropractic, so it is  difficult to determine the impartiality of these results.

Possible risks for animals

The risks of entrusting the entire treatment of an injury to animal chiropractic depend on its severity. We are facing a more palliative discipline that, although it can produce long-term benefits in terms of improved posture and flexibility, lacks the effectiveness of the veterinary treatments that animal clinics and hospitals can offer.

A joint treatment between the veterinarian and the chiropractor is the best way to ensure our pet’s well-being.

Unconventional veterinary therapies are beginning to gain traction among owners, yet their success is often due to an irrational fear of conventional medicine, including the one that treats people.

Anti-vaccination movements can also reach the world of pets, so it is recommended to take the necessary precautions to ensure the health of our pets and the people around us.

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