The Best Guard Dog Breeds

The best guard dog breeds

Guard dogs must be intimidating, agile and strong.  Below, we will leave a list with the races that best perform this role.

German Shepherd, one of the best guard dogs

German Shepherds generally top the list of the best guard dogs in the family, due to their natural instincts to listen, learn and obey. They are menacing in appearance, and loving by nature, but they will respond to an order and will be watching if they notice anything strange, always with the intention of defending their family.

They have a thick skin, which makes them respond well to cooler temperatures. Also, they are very understanding of their household members, and they are suspicious of strangers. In addition, they are large in size and therefore can face people of any size without much trouble.


The Rottweiler is a great watchdog, loving and full of energy. However, as he is very territorial, he can develop aggressiveness if he is not well trained.

On the contrary,  if it is properly trained, it is without doubt one of the best options to protect your family and your home.  They are known to be one of the smartest dog breeds in the world, and can be taught to be fantastic guard dogs. Their intelligence can make them very obedient and, despite their aggressive growl, these dogs are very affectionate and are always willing to help anyone in need.


Bullmastiffs have excellent instincts. This dog thrives best in familiar surroundings and when he realizes that his family is a treasure; will do everything possible to protect her. They are very aware of everything going on around them and their intimidating aspect makes them a great option to defend homes against intruders without putting their children at risk.

While some guard dogs only growl and bark at a threat, the Bullmastiff will show great attacking qualities and can easily take a man and knock him to the ground.

To get the most out of this breed, he must be involved at an early age with the family and must be constantly trained through all of its stages of growth. Despite their appearance, once used to their family, this breed will be calm and loving.



Dobermanns are extremely loyal, intelligent and respond very well to orders from their owners if trained properly. Dobermans are a good size and are also very agile and athletic.

The breed remains alert and wary of people it does not know, but will respect their owners’ orders, and this makes them ideal for family protection.  His grunt and appearance are intimidating, and intruders will no doubt think twice about entering his home.

Great Dane

Also known as the German Mastiff, the Great Dane is intimidating in stature but calm in nature. They are surprisingly large compared to children’s stature and have a quiet temperament towards other dog breeds, although they are territorial and therefore require training.

Their strength is well balanced as they are not brutes and are generally aware of their size and use this knowledge as they move around the house.

However, as a guard dog it wouldn’t be very good if it weren’t for its imposing size. Your appearance is quite intimidating, and will be enough to deter an intruder from breaking into your home.

But the Great Dane, despite its size, is actually a very shy race and avoids confrontations.



The Boxer is an energetic breed that does an amazing job of reading people’s intentions.

Boxers are much smaller than some of the other dogs on this list, but can weigh up to 50 pounds. Like the Great Dane, they look more threatening than they really are, which is good if you want a guard dog that is intimidating without having violent behavior.

This breed is very cunning and is always on the alert. They put enthusiasm into everything they do, want affection from both adults and children, desperately wanting to get attention. But when it comes to protection, boxers are very aware of what’s going on and will use their athleticism to protect their family, so it’s a great option for families looking to have reliable protection.

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