The Best Way To Transport A Pet

The best way to transport a pet

Whether traveling on vacation, moving or simply going to the vet, there is always a question about the best way to transport a pet. The answer depends on many factors such as the size of the animal, the regulations in force, the means of transport you will be using and the destination of the trip.

Know the correct way to transport a pet in an automobile

If you own a car, you need to take into account a number of issues to ensure both the safety and comfort of people and animals to be transported.

Keep in mind that leaving a pet loose in the car can cause the animal to get close to the pedals, distract the driver or obstruct their vision, increasing the risk of an accident.

car security

Therefore, traffic laws require animals to be tethered to the vehicle to prevent them from falling, moving or compromising the stability of the vehicle. The ideal, in this way, is that the animal travels in the backseat or in the trunk, as long as it is not completely closed to avoid choking hazards.

What to use to transport a pet in a car

The products you can use to transport an animal in a car will vary depending on the size and characteristics of your pet. For example:

  • Carrying bags are ideal for cats and small dogs. It is best to place them on the floor next to the rear seats.
  • The cage is an option for larger dogs. Don’t forget to leave it securely tied in the trunk.
  • The breastplate with two hooks prevents the animal from being thrown forward in the event of a collision. For this, it must also have a fixation system that does not let the pet move too much.

    The best thing is that you complement these systems with a dividing net, either between the rear and front seats or between the rear and the trunk.

    How to travel with animals in other modes of transport

    If you decide to travel with your pet by train, bus, plane or ship, it is important to consult the managing companies to know the requirements and restrictions that may exist, as conditions may vary from one company to another. For example:

    • Some airlines authorize the transport of animals in the cabin, in an approved transport bag, if the animal is small. Otherwise, it must go in the luggage compartment.
    • On the trains, dogs, cats, ferrets and birds are allowed – as long as they are not farmed, such as ducks and chickens – with a maximum weight of 10 kg.
    • On ships, most of the time, dogs are only allowed to travel in cages and carrying bags.
    • The s bus lines allow the transport of animals only in the trunk, with the exception of guide dogs.

      What to do to travel with animals abroad

      If you need to transport a pet abroad, regardless of the means of transport used, find out first what the rules and requirements are in each of the places you will pass through.

      In principle, in the case of dogs, cats and ferrets, traveling around the European Union would not be a problem, as long as your four-legged friend has a valid transit passport and the pet is identified with a microchip.

      When traveling internationally, you should avoid unpleasant surprises when you arrive in your destination country. That way, be very well informed about all rules and regulations and have all documentation up to date.

      Transporting animals is also good business

      ambulance for animals

      If you want to be free from bureaucracy and stress when transporting an animal, both inside and outside the country, you can hire the services of a specialized company.

      These companies seek to ensure the safety and comfort of the pets that are transported. For this they have:

      • Constant supervision by a caregiver;
      • Veterinary service;
      • Cages that allow the animal to move around comfortably;
      • Tracking animals using GPS or locator;
      • Stops every four hours on land trips.

      On trips abroad, these companies work with companies that have specific areas for animals in the luggage compartment and with hotels that accept pets. That way they’ll be as comfortable as possible during stopovers.

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