The Bulldog, A Very Fun Dog

The Bulldog, a very fun dog

The Bulldog is one of the most famous and appreciated dog breeds in the world. Originally, this breed was used for herding bulls and competing in dog fights. However, these days, they are lazy friends and excellent pets.

The English Bulldog (British Bulldog) originated in England being a descendant of the Mastiffs brought by the Roman armies. Today’s bulldogs have changed their morphology greatly, compared to the dogs that started the breed, and the ferocity that characterized them at the beginning has virtually disappeared.

As pets, they are affectionate animals and especially patient with children.  Although they tend to be a little lazy, they can be full of energy during play sessions, having a lot of resistance, especially for rough play.

Physical characteristics

The Bulldog’s appearance is unmistakable: they  are medium-sized, short-limbed and short- lived dogs. They have a short, robust body, with a large, wide square-shaped head. This dog’s jaws are large and powerful, specially designed to grip and contain.

They have a large rib cage and broad shoulders, with strong limbs. The tail is short and is located on the lower part of the buttocks. However, the most representative features of this breed are found in its face.

Her cheeks extend to either side of her eyes, with wide wrinkles hanging down. The upper lip is drooping, with a protruding lower jaw and a flat muzzle. They have dark, round eyes, with small, folded ears in the shape of rose petals.

The body is muscular and his plump legs, the front wider than the back, with very broad shoulders, all this gives him a very particular walk.



Despite its bloody past, the modern bulldog is a very lovable and loving dog.  However, it can be fierce when defending its owners and have very brave attitudes. In more adult stages, bulldogs are much calmer and calmer, although they never cease to be kind and playful.

They are very sociable dogs with people, although they can be territorial with other pets. They like to draw attention and enjoy the company of their owners.


Typically, bulldogs are dogs known to have a short lifespan. Due to the physical structure of bulldogs, they are prone to a wide variety of ailments.

The shape of its jaw, nose and palate favors the development of respiratory and cardiac difficulties, precisely derived from poor oxygenation.

In addition, they tend to suffer from being overweight, which results in muscle and joint problems. Therefore, it is very important that they exercise properly and eat a controlled, low-fat diet.

Equally, they do not tolerate high temperatures very well, so you should be aware of heat stroke, especially in outdoor environments, because, due to not breathing very well, they can reach suffocation if they suffer heatstroke.

However, proper care, and monitoring their respiratory system, can live for many years, much longer than expected for the breed.


like pets

Despite being affectionate and noble dogs, they require an owner capable of keeping them active, as exercise is vital for their health. Also, it is a heavy dog ​​for its size, so extra strength will be needed if you need to lift them, for example to take them to the vet.

At home, they are usually not very active, so they are good for apartments or small spaces, in addition to not making much noise. Although they like to play, they won’t play for a long time nor are they resistant to long walks.

In general, they tend to behave well, except in cases of stress that causes them some kind of behavior problem. So if you want a friendly and calm dog, the bulldog will be an excellent option for you.

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