The Five Most Faithful Dogs In History

The cases of dogs showing loyalty to their owners have been evidenced with such noble behavior as, for example, staying in the place where their owners were buried.
The five most faithful dogs in history

There are many stories of dogs who feel a special devotion to their owners. In some cases, these most faithful dogs remain near the graves of their human friends. Others wait for them at the hospital door, where they last saw them.

These moving stories show not only the nobility of dogs towards their masters, but also their sixth sense and their incredible sense of direction.

Some became very famous and even served as inspiration for movies. Below,  we’ll look at five examples of some of the most faithful dogs in history.

The most faithful dogs in history

Cinnamon in Cadiz

Canelo was a dog that lived in Cádiz in the 80’s. The faithful animal accompanied its master everywhere. Its owner was a lonely man, so Canelo was his only company.

The dog accompanied him for years, once a week, to the hospital,  where his dialysis treatment was carried out. He was waiting outside, at the door of the establishment.

One day, the man died of complications in the middle of his treatment. Canelo waited for his friend for 12 years at the hospital door.

Canelo never moved from that place again. Neighbors brought him water and food as he won the hearts of all who knew his dedication. Without a doubt, Canelo is one of the most faithful dogs in history.

Most faithful dogs in history

Bobby in Edinburgh

Bobby was a terrier dog who lived in the mid-19th century. His owner was an Edinburgh policeman and the two were always together.

One day, the policeman died of massive tuberculosis. Bobby accompanied the procession to the cemetery at all times, until he reached the tomb of its owner.

In an act of incredible nobility, and proving to be an extraordinarily faithful dog, Bobby remained in his owner’s grave for 14 years, until his own death.

Local people fed him and gave him shelter in winter. He became a true legend, admired and loved by all.

The Guacho Dog in Uruguay

Guacho was a dog that lived in Uruguay in the 60s and was very loyal to its owner.

One day, he became ill and had to be transferred to a hospital that was more than 50 kilometers from the house. So Guacho was left alone and very sad.

Faced with the new situation, the animal decided to go look for its owner and  undertook the route through rivers and wetlands, until it found the hospital.

The dog remained waiting outside the place where his master was hospitalized. The health center staff and neighbors admired his nobility and friendship and brought him food.

When its owner died, Guacho howled poignantly outside the hospital.

This was another of the most faithful dogs and that accompanied his master to the cemetery where he was buried.

He stayed there, in the tomb, for 30 days. Afterwards, he went to the city in search of food; but every afternoon he returned to the cemetery to sleep on his owner’s grave.

Dog waiting for the owner to get home

Collie, Argentina

Collie is another dog that went down in history as one of the most faithful. It arrived at the cemetery of La Piedad, in the city of Rosario (Argentina) on the day its owner was buried there. That day, he slept on his master’s grave.

The next day, the deceased’s relatives went to look for him. Collie didn’t want to get out of there; so they let a few days pass and returned with a collar.

There was no way to take it away,  the animal refused to abandon its owner. He stayed there for five years.

Fido in Italy

Fido lived in a small town in Italy in the late 1930s. Its owner was a young man named Luigi, who worked in a carpentry shop in the area.

To go to work, Luigi had to take the train every morning. Frido would accompany him to the station and wait for him there at night.

In 1943, Luigi was recruited into the army and sent to the Russian front. His faithful friend was waiting for him at the station every afternoon.

He was looking hopefully for his owner among the passengers. Luigi never came back, so Frido waited for him for seven years, until his own death.

Animals always surprise us because of their qualities, the love they show and their nobility. For humans, dogs must be, in many cases, a real example to follow.

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