The Iberian Wolf Is In Danger Of Extinction

The Iberian wolf is in danger of extinction

The Iberian wolf, present in Spanish and Portuguese territory, is currently in serious danger of extinction. It is a species protected by the Habitats Directive adopted by the European Union since 1992. However, in Spain, the initiatives aimed at its conservation are not homogeneous. As a species, the Iberian wolf is vital for the sustainability of ecosystems and biodiversity.

The natural habitat and its relationship with humans

The canis lupus signatus , scientific name of the Iberian wolf is a predator in the Iberian Peninsula have long time, especially in the northwest of the region. It feeds on large herbivorous prey  and is essential for the maintenance of the ecosystem. They say he is the ancestor of the dogs .

The species’ natural habitat is located in regions where a low population density prevails. In addition, they usually appear in places with a great diversity of prey, such as deer, deer and wild boar. The wolf’s ability to adapt to the environment causes the basis of its diet to change depending on where it lives. Chickens, cattle and rabbits supplement their diet in regions where their natural prey is scarce.

This represents a problem for rural areas whose economy depends on cattle raising, in particular cattle raising. In this sense, the most important thing is to raise awareness of human beings to live together  with that species. In addition, seek the development of protection and prevention mechanisms that ensure coexistence between the two.

The endangered Iberian wolf

It is estimated, according to the latest census of the wolf population, that  Spain is the natural habitat of more than 30% of the wolves in Europe. For this reason, the species was declared to be of Community interest in the European Union. Until now, in Spanish territory, there are no homogeneous laws that protect this animal species.

wolf licking cub

Furthermore, illegal hunting and, often, poisoning, aggravate the vulnerability of the Iberian wolf and expose it to the risk of disappearing.

Some data supporting the argument that the Iberian wolf is in danger of extinction

According to estimates made by the last census of the Iberian wolf, carried out between 2012 and 2014, the packs increased from 250 to 297 since 2005. However, experts on the subject and groups of ecologists say that these data do not reflect reality. They consider that they have not taken into account more important aspects, with the number of specimens of each pack.

Furthermore, official censuses by region did not follow the same methodology or homogeneous criteria in the field. Because of all this, it is difficult to know the real population of wolves in Spain.

It is estimated that an average of 800 specimens are killed per year, a situation that is mainly linked to poaching. In fact, the Iberian wolf is a species that has already disappeared from half of the Iberian Peninsula. In 2015, environmental associations recognized the situation of extinction that this species faces in Andalusia, where the population of Iberian wolves is around 4 to 56 specimens.

What is the importance of the Iberian wolf for the ecosystem?

Currently, the most dense presence of the Iberian wolf is found in the municipality of Muelas de los Caballeros, in the province of Samora. And there is also 50% of the presence of this animal species in the north of the Spanish Autonomous Community of Castilla y Leão, and less than 35% in the Spanish Autonomous Community of Galicia. Some populations also survive in Serra Morena (Jaén and Cuenca provinces).

Initiatives for the conservation of the Iberian wolf

The Ministry of Agriculture has been demanding with the European Union that the Iberian wolf be considered a hunted species  throughout the territory.

In the public and private sphere, several citizen protests require the intervention of the State to ensure the species protection throughout the Spanish territory. They also ask for the creation of spaces for dialogue between the various sectors that, in one way or another, are involved in or feel harmed by the situation of the Iberian wolf.

Some of the initiatives in the Spanish territory regarding the theme are:

  • The presentation of concrete proposals for the creation of public policies for the defense of the Iberian wolf. They were developed by ASCEL (Association for the Conservation and Study of the Wolf), Ecologists in Action, Lobo Marly and the WWF.
  • Project  of Law  “No” approved by the Agriculture Committee, Food and Environment. This regulation will serve for the conservation of this animal and its declaration as a protected species throughout the Spanish territory.

There is an initiative presented by the Unidos Podemos platform. Through it,  the Spanish government is pressured to include this species in the list of special protection north of the Douro river. In addition, it requires that the wolf populations south of this river are included in the Spanish Catalog of Endangered Species and Declared in “Danger of Extinction”.

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