The Monkey That Adopted A Stray Dog

The monkey that adopted a stray dog

The friendships between animals of different species do not fail to surprise us, and neither does the attitude of some to help others who need it. The story we are going to tell you today is full of surprises, loyalty and tenderness. She will enchant you! See how a monkey and a dog became more than friends, a real family.

Many say animals are better than people. As with everything, there is a bit of everything, but this monkey has gone beyond the limits of empathy and solidarity, there is no doubt about that. Do you want to know this story? We’ll tell you next!

A monkey and a stray dog ​​become more than friends


Source: Dinamalar’s Facebook – World’s N°1 Tamil News Website

It all happened in India, where one of the characters lives, in a park. Many passersby and visitors stopped to look and watch as he jumps from one tree to another. However, one day, the monkey aroused even more curiosity.

Suddenly he appeared with a new friend: a stray dog. It was just a cub that the monkey adopted as if it were his son. So much so that he looks for food for the dog and doesn’t even eat until he is sure that his “son” is well fed.

On the other hand, when other stray dogs try to harm the poor puppy, the monkey defends him tooth and nail. There is no doubt that the monkey sees him as his own child. And who would dare say otherwise?

It takes it in its arms, walks with it, does not leave it for a minute, searches for lice and other parasites in its fur, as any primate mother does daily with her child.

From the other perspective, the dog seems to have no intention of separating from its “mother”. He knows he will always be well fed and cared for.

Anyone who sees this phenomenon describes their relationship as the loveliest thing in the world.

Since the two appeared together, the inhabitants of Erod, where they live, have been in charge of providing food for the two. Something that will certainly relax this supportive monkey a lot, as the fact that he doesn’t have to look for food for his “son” or for him, gives him more time to dedicate himself to the care and protection of his family.

Undoubtedly, once again, animals teach us lessons about the meaning of loyalty, friendship and love, without prejudice or interest.

other special friendships

This is just a small taste of the friendship that can arise between two very different beings. Remember that animals don’t get carried away by appearances or races, but by hearts and feelings.

These are other examples of some animals that became very friendly despite the differences:

  • Juniper and Moose. These two protagonists of a precious story of loyalty and friendship are a dog and a fox. Despite the myths that it is impossible for them to get along, this story shows just the opposite. Both were adopted by the same family and became brothers.
  • A cheetah and a dog. Ruuxa was a cheetah cub who was rejected by her mother and was in depression. Therefore, the caregivers decided that finding a new friend for her would be very beneficial. The chosen one was a puppy and both became inseparable.
  • Duck and dog. A depressed dog was cured by a duck that suddenly appeared in his garden and they too became inseparable.
  • The blind dog and its guide dog. A blind dog was lucky enough to form a beautiful friendship with his guide dog, and they don’t even part to sleep. Provider!

Image source:, Dinamalar’s Facebook

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