The Parakeet, An Excellent Pet

The parakeet, an excellent pet

Have you been thinking about buying a pet? Would you like a pet that isn’t too big, doesn’t take too much work, stays in a controlled environment and doesn’t need to be taken for walks every day? Certainly the parakeet is your best choice.

Parakeet Characteristics


The parakeet is a bird of the PsitacĂ­dea family, that is, the parrots, although it is the smallest species in the family, measuring about 19 cm.  They live for about 15 years and can be found in a wide variety of colors (except red and black), which can be monochromatic or polychromatic.

These little animals love company, so it’s very common to buy them in pairs. Either way, you can just buy one and have it in a room that’s nice to him, and because it’s beautiful, it’s nice to be seen as well.

These birds are very cheerful and can even utter a few words, although males tend to learn to speak more easily than females, and females whistle better than males.
In the case of purchasing a pair of parakeets, there is no problem if the two parakeets are male, although they may not say anything. However, it is incompatible to have two females in the same cage, as they fight continuously since adolescence.

buying a parakeet

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When you buy a parakeet, there are some factors that must be observed to ensure that the parakeet is in good health. For starters, the plumage should be smooth and light. If he is shedding feathers, or if he lets himself be pulled out of the cage easily, it indicates that he is sick. Also, they must be capable of short flights within the cage.

The plumage around the anus must not be dirty and its droppings must be compact. Check that the beak has no cracks and that the  beak holes are clean, the parakeet should not make harsh noises when breathing. In addition, you should also check that the claws and legs are clean.

We have to make sure the parakeet is in good health, so it’s better to buy a younger parakeet. Arriving home, the parakeet should be left calm, without stressing it during the first two weeks so that it is adapting to the environmental conditions of its new home.

Also, you must not remove it from the cage during this period of time.

The care of the parakeet

An important aspect of parakeet care is the position of the cage. The cage should be placed at eye level of the owner, in a clear location, free from drafts and trying not to position the cage directly towards the sun. The cage must always be clean and the remains of feathers and droppings from its base must be removed regularly.

Likewise, you should do an extra cleaning in the place where the parakeet is, removing loose feathers, food debris and any other residues that have been dropped on the base, to prevent the parakeet and owner from contracting diseases.

The cage must be big so that the animal can make short flights, although you can also allow it to fly around the house, as long as it doesn’t have a beautiful kitten there.

The parakeet’s diet consists of millet, canary seed, oats and hemp seeds, the latter in small amounts, but also fruits and vegetables to supplement the vitamins and minerals it needs, small amounts of oats and calcium are very much needed at the moment. of reproduction.

Always make sure you have food and water in the parakeet cage. The best time to entertain is in the morning and late afternoon, as this is when the parakeet is most receptive.

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