The Ugliest Insects In The World

The ugliest insects in the world have not been graced with a pleasant appearance, as is the case with butterflies.
The ugliest insects in the world

Although they play a crucial role in ecosystems, insects are not usually admired for their appearance. Of course there are exceptions, like, for example, butterflies and bees, whose aesthetics are admirable. Next, we’ll show you which are the ugliest insects in the world.

Meet the 7 ugliest insects in the world

Insects make up a huge class of invertebrate animals, which are characterized by having three pairs of legs, one pair of antennae and two pairs of wings, although the wings may be reduced or absent in some species.

These animals form the group of living beings with the greatest biodiversity on our planet. Therefore, we can observe an incredible morphological variety among the known insect species.

While butterflies tend to cause us great admiration, other species have not been graced with such beauty. Today, let’s talk about the ugliest insects in the world.

1. The cicadas

Without a doubt, we are more used to hearing cicadas – in the image that heads this article – than to seeing them. For this reason, many are unaware of the appearance of this insect whose sound is associated with hot summer days.

However, cicadas are among the ugliest insects in the world for their rather peculiar and unattractive appearance.

These species, which form the cicadelids family, live buried during their chrysalis stage. Afterwards, when they become adults, they usually live in plants in warm and temperate regions.

2. The Belostoma flumineum water cockroach

Water cockroaches aren’t much admired for their appearance either, but the Belostoma flumineum species is especially strange at first glance. Also, its sting is really painful, and its venom – in high amounts – can lead to permanent damage.

the water cockroach

It is a giant aquatic insect, which can reach 2.5 centimeters in length as an adult. Originally from North America, in addition to its appearance, a curious fact about this species is that males are usually responsible for taking care of their eggs and offspring.

3. The Hercules beetle ( Dynastes hercules )

The Hercules beetle is one of the so-called “rhinoceros beetles”. This popular name derives from the similarity of these species to rhinos, thanks to the horns they have on the upper part of their chest and on the lower part of their head.

the hercules beetle

Hercules beetles are relatively large (around 17 centimeters), and their upper horn can measure up to the same size as their body. In addition, your pair of horns is often covered with a thin layer of hair, which contributes to your unsightly appearance.

4. Calliteara pudibunda

Although its appearance in adulthood is beautiful, its larvae are very ugly. In its larval stage, the Calliteara pudibunda  appears as a yellowish caterpillar, with a pronounced chewing apparatus and many by lining your body.

The ugliest insects in the world

This species is very present in Denmark and its strange jaws are justified by the need to chew the hard leaves of the Danish beech.

5. The weevil fly ( Dermatobia hominis )

The Berneira fly is one of the fly species known as mites, and belongs to the Oestridae family . These insects can affect a wide variety of domestic, farm and wild animals. Furthermore, this is the only species that can also affect humans.

The ugliest insects in the world

In addition to their unpleasant appearance, these flies can cause health problems for animals and people. Adult specimens need to find a vector to deposit their larvae, which are introduced under the skin of their hosts.

6. Brahmaeidae moth

The Brahmaeidae moth is usually considered one of the most beautiful and vivacious species of its genus. However, ironically, your caterpillar or larva is among the ugliest and strangest insects in the world.

The life cycle of this moth is often referred to as one of nature’s most amazing metamorphoses.

The ugliest insects in the world

7. The flannel moth ( Megalopyge opercularis )

Despite its small size, this species of moth never goes unnoticed because of its appearance. Its popular name is a clear allusion to the hairs that cover its body both in the larval and adult stages.

The ugliest insects in the world

Furthermore, the flannel moth larva is dangerous as it contains a powerful poison in the filaments that line its body. In small doses, its venom usually causes mild or moderate allergic reactions.

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