The Wild Boar Problem

The ease with which it reproduces, favored by hunting, among other reasons, made this wild mammal move to European cities.
The urban wild boar problem

The urban wild boar is starting to be a problem in several European cities and probably the best example of this is Barcelona. These wild pigs are beginning to humanize and feed on our residues, while the wild boar’s behavior undergoes major changes that put coexistence at risk.

Urban wild boar feeds on human waste

The wild boar ( Sus scrofa ) is a very adaptable omnivore  with a high reproduction rate.

In recent years, its population has increased a lot, even invading peri-urban areas in cities like Barcelona.

The reproduction of these animals is one of the most successful in our ecosystems. Although their hunting is abundant and permitted, the excess continues.

Some accuse the hunters themselves:  the use of confinement, together with a hunt conducted without scientific criteria and to obtain trophies, has made the populations grow even more.

These animals come to the city in search of food:  wild boars dig through the garbage or feed on the feed left for stray cats.

Sometimes, they receive food from residents who are pitying the hunger of these animals.

This extra feed supplement allows the animals to enormously increase their reproductive rate, which translates into more urban wild boar.

They learn during childhood that human food is tasty and simple to obtain, and they are used to seeing cars and people, which makes them less fearful.

Is the urban boar dangerous?

The truth is that although these animals are reliable and do not attack,  there is always the risk of feeling threatened, especially when the mother is accompanied by her young.

wild boar

The great strength of these animals, together with their powerful tusks, makes a boar attack can be deadly  to dogs, cats or even people.

That’s why it’s convenient to avoid direct contact with these animals.

Another big problem they can cause are traffic accidents, as they constantly cross roads, which is a danger to animals and people.

The increase in contagious diseases among animals, wild animals and people also worries authorities.

In general ,  the boar  has no intention of attacking us  and sees us as a friend who can give it food, although it is true that animals and people often communicate poorly.

Therefore, the urban wild boar  can see us as a threat in various contexts, which threatens our security.

Possible solutions to the urban wild boar problem

To control this problem, food sources that attract wild boar are being eliminated.

Protecting feeders and sensitizing the population not to feed urban wild boar is a simple way to reduce the problem.

wild boar group

For those who want to help stray cats, it is recommended to contact protective associations.

In case you wish to feed the stray cats, add small amounts of feed and remove the debris to avoid attracting wild boar to the cat shelters.

Unfortunately, other solutions include killing these animals at the hands of hunters and officers.

Therefore, education about wild boars could save the lives of many of them.

Other ways to control this can include: relocation of animals, use of repellents and neutering.

The truth is, regardless of our ideas, it seems reasonable that we should learn to live with this animal.

But the ideal is to reduce the causes that lead the wild boar to leave the forest and go to urban centers.

This is something that jeopardizes our relationship with nature once again, and again, it’s our fault.

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