Tips For Breaking Dogs’ Fear Of Water

Tips to break dogs' fear of water

Many puppies are afraid of water and just being around it their behavior can vary. You can certainly notice this irritated behavior when you have to bathe him, or perhaps when you go for a walk and, by these coincidences, pass near a reflecting pool. But don’t be distressed. There are some simple tricks you can apply so that your dog is not afraid of water.

learning to swim

Como fazer seu cão perder o medo de água

In order for your dog not to run away from the water, the first thing to be taught to him is that, if he approaches the water, nothing will happen. The best thing is that the dog learns this as a puppy. In order for your approach to be more pleasant, you can implement some kind of game using your favorite toy or treat. Little by little, he will relate to the water, as if it were something intimate.

You can also teach him to swim. Yes, just like people, some dogs can dive and swim. But others need to be taught. Of course, when you decide to embark on this task, choose a hot day and make sure the water isn’t too cold. This way, your pet will enjoy the bath, it won’t feel cold and, of course, right after a pleasant swim, it will be able to dry itself in the sun.

One of the most important things you have to consider when teaching your dog to swim is making sure your pet is able to get out of the water. So, get in the water with your dog and encourage him to go out on his own.

In canvas pools, where the depth is minimal, there are a few techniques you can apply. First start introducing your dog to the water. To encourage him to enter the small pool, throw a toy or prize and send him for it. If the toy is not enough motivation, try doing the same with a treat, place it very close to your nose and wait until the dog approaches the pool.

Certainly, he won’t resist the smell of his favorite treat and will go after him. From that moment you need to have some clear recommendations for the training to be effective. In this sense, there are some things that should be avoided. For example, do not yell at your dog when he is about to enter the pool and invite him in a soft, low voice, otherwise you will increase your pet’s anxiety.

Don’t let your dog enter the pool and then run away. Once in the water you must teach him to acquire certain behaviors. In this sense, three words are essential for you to be able to do it: patience, persistence and perseverance.

And don’t forget, if your dog has entered the water and is enjoying this new world he has discovered, celebrate with him and stay together.

in deep water

Como acostumar seu cachorro a não ter medo de água

If you have a deep pool or are in a lake, the first step is for both of you to enter the water at the same time. Never stray from him. You’ll notice that as they go along, it will start swimming on its own.

Some dogs swim vertically instead of kicking their hind legs. When doing this, they throw water and cannot leave the place. The key to helping these dogs is to motivate them. For this you can use a ball or a prize. They will focus their attention on this stimulus and try to arrive at the reward. As they try to move forward, guide him so that he starts using his hind legs. Little by little, you will progress until you reach your prize. Once you get it, remember to congratulate it, that way, with practice, it will get more confidence.

For training to be effective, never force your dog into the water. Don’t laugh at your pet if it sinks a bit under the water.

Don’t force your dog to learn. If your pet is restless, don’t try to teach it. It’s better to wait a while, so that he’s calmer and safer.

If you are unsure of the techniques you are going to use and you are unsure of your pet, do not attempt it. In such cases, it is best to reinforce other aspects of your pet’s behavior first. Remember: there is no point in rushing time.

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