To Control A Dog You Have To Know How To Control Yourself

To control a dog you will have to know how to control yourself

On many occasions, we try to control a dog without having begun to control our anger. To control our pet, we must first control our emotions, making our orders match our attitudes.

If we don’t want to have an aggressive dog, we should start by not being aggressive. 

How, then, can we control our animal so that it avoids certain attitudes? Next, we’ll give you 7 steps showing what your attitude should be.

7 steps to controlling a dog

dog giving paw

Author: Barcelona · Three Looks

  • Be the leader. You have to teach your dog from a very young age that you are the boss. Obviously this does not imply any type of abuse, neither physical nor verbal. Remember that in order to control your dog, you will first have to control yourself. If from an early age you speak firmly and act according to the order given, your dog will learn to obey and recognize that you are the leader.

    That way, your dog won’t attack other dogs or pull the leash when you take him for a walk, and, most importantly, he won’t dare hurt you or any other family member.

    • Think like a dog. Think that they do not feel regret or guilt for their actions, so if they see these emotions reflected in you, they will take it as a sign of weakness, and the animal will get out of their control. On the other hand, canine emotions arise in levels, so we can’t try to stop them suddenly, except in levels, so that we can control the animal. This will also require self-control, developing self-control and patience.

    Know your dog’s predictable mindset. Dogs have a group mentality, so if they don’t see the group leader, they “proclaim” themselves leaders. It is important to control their weakness and demonstrate to them that you are the leader of your group. To do this, you will have to make decisions regarding:

    • When and what to eat;
    • When and how long to play;
    • Whoever walks ahead, that is, you;
    • Who can take from the dog what he has;
    • Never apologize;
    • Be assertive. Don’t confuse, being assertive doesn’t mean being aggressive. You must give firm, clear and concise instructions. Don’t yell and don’t talk to him nervously. This is essential to control your pet. If you’re giving an order that he’s not obeying, don’t give it.


    Author: The Photo & Video Instant Collector

    • Use a strap that is not stretchable. This will allow you to control your dog. It is not necessary for you to use force, but you can control the pace at which the animal is walking with gentle little tugs. You must control your anger. Although you are the leader of the “group”, when taking the dog for a walk, you should not go in front of him, but by his side. Don’t let him go before you or he will start pulling you.
      • Walk your dog. To control the animal, it is essential to take long walks. This will create a special relationship between you and he will thank you for your time. With walks, your dog will be able to release things that cause stress and, with that, will also abandon certain negative destructive behaviors. Walking will help you control your dog.
      • Be calm and loving. Stress, worries and problems make us come home physically and mentally exhausted. Don’t get angry and show your pet that anger or you won’t be able to control it. If your dog doesn’t get what you expect or what he’s used to, he may start to get out of control to get your attention.

      As you can see, it is important to control your emotions and your capacity for self-control, as well as encouraging the development of good qualities, such as patience, in order to control your dog. Don’t act out or express emotions that you wouldn’t want to see in your pet, and your pet will learn from you.

      Image credits: Three Looks, El Colecção de Instantes Fotografia & Video and -=RoBeE=-

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