Top 5 Dog Breeds With The Most Wrinkles

The 5 breeds of dogs with the most wrinkles

Be it the spots, the size, the shape of the nose or tail, among other characteristics, dogs have peculiarities that surprise us. Obviously, the appearance of the skin is part of these particularities, so we’ll tell you a little about  dogs with wrinkles.

Although wrinkles in dogs are striking and beautiful, they require specific care so that the dog does not develop skin problems.

Wrinkles on the skin of dogs of certain breeds are due to a genetic condition that generates an accumulation of hyaluronic acid, generating thicker and heavier skin.

Here are some breeds with these characteristics:

Shar Pei

This beautiful Chinese dog is possibly the most common reference when talking about dogs with wrinkles.

Despite being a medium height dog, the Shar Pei is an excellent guardian and has a powerful bite. Another feature of this beautiful breed is the shape of its head and muzzle.

Shar Pei has wrinkles all over its face and body.

Shar Pei wrinkles are most evident when they are puppies. As they become adults, they lose their wrinkles a little, even though they remain on the face and back.

In dogs of this breed, it is common for skin problems to develop , so the wrinkles must be cleaned so that they do not create fungi as a result of humidity, or so that bacteria do not proliferate due to the humidity as well.

Mastin Neapolitan

Despite not being very wrinkled, Mastin Napolitano has wrinkles in the region of the double chin and eyebrows, which give it a very characteristic, peculiar appearance.

This breed has its origins more than two thousand years ago, when the Romans used them as guard and combat dogs. However, as they were introduced into homes and were removed from the battlefields, the Neapolitan Mastiffs became more docile and affectionate.

Currently, they are good family dogs, but they need early socialization, as they tend to be suspicious of strangers and, even if they don’t attack them without reason, they won’t be very friendly either.

Bulldog is one of the breeds of dogs with wrinkles.

Bulldog is one of the breeds of dogs with wrinkles.

The Bulldog is one of everyone’s favorite breeds. With its robust body and lazy appearance , it has wrinkles on its face, neck, legs and loin. He is a very loyal dog, not very energetic, but he loves to spend quality time with his owner.

As a family dog, he is exceptional. He can play a bit abruptly, as he is not very aware of how strong he is, at 25kg. However, it is a dog, in general, calm, a little lazy, safe and very affectionate.

It must be very well monitored in your respiratory tract, as the shape of your muzzle predisposes you to develop respiratory and cardiac diseases.


This breed has a large size, the wrinkles are concentrated mainly on the face and neck, giving them a tender appearance, despite their colossal size (they can easily weigh 60kg).

In some countries, they have a bad reputation, but as we know, this depends on bad breeding processes or abusive and irresponsible owners.

Bullmastiff are dogs that need a good education at an early age, especially because the breed was developed to knock down and stop prey (a characteristic that preserves intact).

Despite this, they are usually excellent domestic dogs that enjoy a calm character and a balanced personality, which makes them excellent for socializing with children.

Pug is perhaps the most famous among wrinkled dogs

Pug is perhaps the most famous among the most wrinkled dogs

The Pug is a small, robust dog that has a lot of energy and personality. Wrinkles in Pugs are concentrated on their face and back.

Despite being very vivacious, they are perfect dogs for living in confined spaces, a characteristic that has made the Pug a very popular breed.

This dog tends to be very vocalic, so it is recommended that he receive training to control excessive barking. This feature makes Pugs good guardians when it comes to alerting owners to the presence of a stranger.

In terms of health, the Pug tends to develop respiratory problems due to the shape of its palate.  If monitored regularly, you can live a long, healthy and happy life.

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