Tricks You Can Teach A Cat

There are tricks you can teach a cat, they can also learn certain commands as long as we follow some precise instructions. Obviously it will be easier when they are young. This is also a way to bond with your pussy.
Tricks You Can Teach A Cat

Many think that cats are not teachable pets. This theory, perhaps, was based on the habit of training dogs more and on the ability of these animals to learn. However,  a cat can also learn commands and tricks  that will make living more relaxed and certainly more fun. Want to know what tricks you can teach a cat?

Before starting, keep in mind that if you decide to teach your cat a few things, you should be patient. And, of course,  each cat is a world, you must be persistent  and consider that it is not the same thing to teach a young cat and an adult. Is ready?

The tricks you can teach a cat

Can you imagine if your cat gave you the paw when you asked for it? For this, among other things, can be taught. We’ll tell you how!

give the paw

cat giving the paw

We’ll start with a trick that all pet owners want to teach: pawing. Asking  your animal for the paw and seeing it obey is one of the greatest satisfactions we can feel. However, we have always seen this in dogs, but is it possible to teach the “trick” to cats as well? Yes!

  • Use rewards.  You already know that in educating and teaching an animal, positive reinforcement works the most. Grab a treat your cat likes and hide it in your hand; don’t let it eat you, but let it smell.
  • Choose a command. Decide which word you will use so that he relates it to the order: it could be “play here, hello or pawn”.
  • Put your hand in front of him  and wait for him to want to touch it with his paw. If he tries to do it with his mouth, to get the reward, tell him “no”.
  • When he touches your hand with his paw, give him the reward.

Practice these steps for several days and switch to occasions when there will be no reward in hand. Little by little, the pussy will understand what you want.

spin yourself around

  • Rotate your hand over his head  while holding the reward.
  • Draw circles or loops in the air  so that he understands what you want from him.
  • Keep the cat’s concentration (for this it is vital that you have something in your hand that he likes),  he will observe you and start repeating the movements  you make with your hand.
  • Don’t overlong sessions. Animals get tired and bored, in addition to not having a great power of concentration. So  do short sessions, with rests twice as long,  and you’ll see how you can do it.

pick up and bring

cat with toy

Teach your cat  the pick-and-carry exercise with these simple steps, as this is one of the best tricks you can teach a feline.

  • Choose a toy  you want him to like and teach it. Use light movements with him until you see your cat’s posture of attention.
  • Throw the toy as far as you can.  The cat will need to see that it has room to run, so choose a location that allows this.
  • When the cat goes towards the toy,  certainly, in the beginning, he will be there playing with the object.  Pick it up and play it again.
  • Repeat the process several times.

You must know that, for a cat, the simple fact of ‘throwing’ the toy at him is the necessary motivation for him to bring it back. He likes you to do this and will ask you to repeat it.

Use a  clicker

We’ve already talked to you, in a previous article, about the usefulness of this object; it is used as an aid to positive reinforcement. The animal associates a behavior to the noise it produces and, thus, we will achieve our goal.

If, at the sound of the  clicker , you give him the reward, the result will be great.  Use it only for training, if you use it in a game, you will confuse the animal and it will not be able to learn.

See how there are tricks you can teach a cat? Have you made a note of what you want to teach your pussy? So, get to work!

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