Unpleasant Odors For Dogs: Meet 5 Of Them

Unpleasant Dog Odors: Meet 5 of them

Dogs’ sense of smell is 40 times more powerful than ours. Therefore, any smell that might be pleasant for us humans might be uncomfortable for them. And this can go even further, even making them have nasal irritations. Do you want to know the unpleasant odors for dogs? We will tell you!

Dogs have more olfactory cells than we do, so they can perceive odors more intensely and farther away.  For us, it can be difficult to recognize unpleasant odors for dogs, so it is necessary to be sensitive.

In addition to the olfactory ability, we must keep in mind that humans and dogs have many differences. Therefore, the odors that will please them will also be different. We may be fascinated by the smell of a flower, but your dog may find it unpleasant. How to know?

Meet some unpleasant dog odors


Perhaps the citrus scent is one of your favorites, because of the clean feeling and good odors of toiletry products.  No wonder these products are the favorites and most sold in supermarkets. But don’t forget this: our dogs hate citrus smells.

Yes, if you have a dog at home and you don’t want to hurt him, change the fragrance.  Imagine how intense the citrus scent is for you. Now multiply that by 40 and you’ll know how your dog feels.

This is one of the strongest unpleasant odors for dogs, which can damage their nostrils and airways.

dog muzzle

On the other hand, this odor can be beneficial. To prevent your dog from urinating anywhere in the house, just add some citrus peels or some special citrus oil… and problem solved!


If you are used to using vinegar to clean your home, we recommend that you stop. Dogs can’t stand this odor. However, if you want to prevent him from urinating anywhere, this can be a good method. As it is a natural product, it will not harm you.

On the other hand, apple cider vinegar brings great benefits to our pets, as we tell you in this article.

spicy peppers

The well-known aji pepper has one of the most unpleasant smells for dogs. If there is any area of ​​the house that you don’t want your dog to enter, add some aji pepper to it. However, obviously, avoid leaving it within reach of the animal.

In addition, pepper can affect your airways, causing itchy nose and constant sneezing.  So if you used this ingredient while cooking, wash your hands thoroughly before touching your pet. In contact with the animal’s mucosa, pepper can cause serious problems.


If a dog could scream, it would because of the annoying odor of ammonia. It has a high level of chemical compounds that produce strong odors and will undoubtedly drive the dog away.

dog sniffing

This product will bring constant itching and sneezing to your dog. However, some people say that ammonia has a urine-like odor. Therefore, it will have the opposite effect, making the dog want to mark its territory.


The mothballs that we put in our closets are a great nuisance to dogs . But not only that. If your dog ingests one of these pellets, it could even die. They have a high degree of toxicity and cause great damage to the liver and nervous system.

If you have dogs and want your lockers to smell good, don’t put your pets’ lives at risk.  Fill small tea bags with lavender or dried flowers and place in cupboards.

Among the unpleasant odors for dogs, we can also highlight cleaning products and perfumes. No matter what they are, they give off an unbearable odor to the canines. As far as possible, avoid your pet to come near these products.

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