Use Of Dry Shampoo In Dogs

A quick and routine bath may be one of the reasons why this alternative in dog hygiene should be evaluated, but it is also useful if the pet is afraid every time it approaches the water, as well as in the post- operative in which the animal’s wounds need to be healed and cannot be wetted.
Use of dry shampoo in dogs

If we live in a small apartment, it’s winter or we don’t have the possibility to take him to a canine hairdresser, our pet will give off an unpleasant smell if not bathed with a certain frequency. The good news is that  you can use dry shampoo on dogs… This way we can meet your hygiene needs and not cause a disturbance in the whole house!

How is the use of dry shampoo in dogs

As pet owners, it is essential to fulfill certain obligations: food,  health  and hygiene. In the latter case, we could talk for hours, as  some indicate that it is not good to bathe the dog so often, while others say that the animal should be bathed periodically.

There is also a group of people who, for different reasons – lack of space at home, the size of the animal, animal behavior, little free time – cannot take care of the   ‘traditional’ hygiene, to call it in some way, their dog.

The dry shampoo, then, appears as an alternative or a solution to not spend an entire afternoon bathing the pet  or, even, to prevent it from catching a cold if it is in the middle of winter. It is also useful in case the animal is very  afraid of water  and it is impossible to water it or, also, if we want to give our dog an ‘ express bath  ‘.

dry shampoo in dogs

The advantages of using dry shampoo on dogs are many. In addition to the exposed ones,  this option is easy to use, smells good, is applied in a short time, does not cause allergies in most dogs and can be used after six months of the animal’s life.

How to use dry shampoo on dogs

This element for the hygiene of your pet can be obtained in stores or veterinary clinics. It is usually quite natural as it does not contain detergents or ingredients harmful to the pet’s skin and many owners use it for an “emergency bath”.

It’s basically  a fine powder, like baking soda or talcum powder, that replaces liquid shampoo and pet soaps. Absorbs dirt from skin and hair. The steps for using dry shampoo on dogs are:

  1. brush the fur

This is to remove dead wires and some surface dirt. Also, in certain  long-  haired breeds, brushing reduces knots and tangles. Don’t forget about this first step, because it will make the whole process easier.

dry shampoo in dogs

  1. Apply dry shampoo

You should put it above the coat – not on the head and face – and on the animal’s legs, then put some on a cloth and run it over the animal’s belly and neck. Pay attention if he has a sore or rash, as contact with this powder may sting a little.

  1. spread the product

You can use a cloth – always dry – or a brush. The idea is that you spread it all over your pet’s body and that it penetrates well to reach the  skin. Let it act for a few minutes, no rinsing is necessary.

  1. dry with a towel

In fact, with the towel what you will do  is remove the excess shampoo so that it does not spread throughout the house, because the dog will never get wet with this product. Also, you can take this time to pamper your pet.

  1. brush again

Before finishing,  brush  again, especially the cloak to remove any hair that may have come out during the bath. This will also make the coat silky and shiny. If the hair is stiff, use a brush with thick bristles or, if it is straight, with fine bristles.

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