Vegan Clothing, Fabrics That Ensure Animal Welfare

Vegan clothing, fabrics that guarantee animal welfare

You might have been surprised to read the title of this article and thought a little about the term “vegan clothing“. Even if you love animals, chances are you’ve never reflected on the fact that thousands of animals are mistreated for tissue production.

Let’s learn a little more about vegan clothing, its advantages and where to buy it. Are you interested in this subject? So stay with us.

Why buy vegan clothing?

What types of fabrics and clothing should you avoid? You’ve probably thought about fur coats, although there are other types of fabrics that are also produced through cruelty to animals. Let’s see which:


Farm animals

Every year, millions of cows, pigs, sheep, zebras and other animals are sacrificed for a single purpose: to obtain their skin. Many of them are castrated, marked and so many other atrocities without any type of anesthesia and then thrown (literally) into a truck, where they will be left to die.

Fur is the animal’s second most profitable item (after meat), making it difficult to eradicate this heinous practice as long as consumers keep buying. This is where you come in!

How can you help? Don’t buy anything made from animal skin. Nowadays it is already possible to find fabrics made with synthetic fur that do not fall short in quality and you can get it for half the price and with a clear conscience, since you will be sure that they were produced without causing suffering to any animal. Pieces of this type have labels such as “vegan clothing”, “man-made” or “synthetic leather”.


While it appears that shearing a sheep is not painful, the wool these animals have is not just an ornament. Sheep fur protects the skin from injury and extreme temperatures. Leaving these animals without the wool of their skin is cruel.

In Australia, this is a common evil and even more cruel. To save time, instead of just being shorn, sheep have their skin cut with scissors so that the wool can be retrieved more quickly, leaving them mutilated and abandoned.

How can you help? It is already possible to find synthetic wools for sale with a touch as soft as natural wool, more wind resistance and greater protection against the cold. This is the case of Polartec Wind Pro , made from recyclable bottles. Excellent choice!


As you may already know, silk is extracted from caterpillars that are killed with steam or gases, releasing the strands of silk. One more cruelty…

How to help? Do not buy any products made from silk. There are alternatives to vegan clothing that replace this fabric with nylon, tencel, rayon, among others.



The feathers used to fill blankets, pillows and pillows are taken from geese and ducks that are plucked alive. While one person holds the animal, another pulls out the feathers, while the little animal screams in pain.

How can I help you? Nowadays there are already synthetic feathers that fulfill the same function as the natural ones, but without harming any animal. Another excellent alternative!

As we have seen, vegan clothing is gaining more space in the market little by little, helping to reduce cruelty to animals. You can already find them on the shelves of world-renowned stores such as H&M, Forever 21, Target and many others.

Always opt for vegan clothing to do your part in the fight against cruelty and abuse. Accessories made from recycled cork are also becoming very popular, something you can show off to friends instead of a silk scarf. Choose well and help the animals!

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