What Can I Do To Get My Dog ​​to Accept The Arrival Of A Baby?

Let’s start simply, dogs can get to be very jealous animals and for many people there is a risk that these characteristics will distance the dog when you have a baby on the way, so many wonder what strategies should be taken for the dog to accept the baby’s arrival?

This is a delicate topic, especially as many myths circulate about whether or not it’s okay for a baby to have contact with dogs, or that the dog may not feel good about the baby’s arrival.

However, despite what is heard around, the reception that the dog will give to a baby has a lot to do with its owner, it will depend only in the way the owner handles this situation.

Here are some of them.

overspoiled dogs

First, if your dog is used to getting tons of attention or you have  been an owner Over-protective , it is very likely that he will not like the arrival of the baby, as he will receive much less attention from you.

Some people don’t understand that overprotection or pampering a dog is a way to mistreat him , because this will prevent the dog from developing correctly, its self-esteem is committed and hardly can frog enjoy a healthy relationship with other pets.

So don’t neglect your dog, spend some of your time playing and having fun with him, don’t forget that affection is the way to develop and strengthen bonds with you.

If you don’t put aside the relationship you have with your dog, it shouldn’t cause any problems.

The arrival of the baby at home

The answer more common what can you expect from a dog p for a new baby will be curious , especially if it’s the first time you’ve had a baby. the dog thinks that the baby is a source of sounds and new odors, like that, he will want to smell and see the baby .

The worst thing you can do is scold the dog because he’s around the baby, this will distance and generate distrust in the dog.

It is best to let him see and smell the child. try to play with your pet in the presence of your baby, so the dog will be able to feel comfortable , even when the baby makes some noise.

That’s not to say you can totally trust, for none reason leave the child alone with your dog, even if your child is a little bigger. Children tend to be a bit invasive with pets.

In addition to abrupt, and this can generate an inappropriate reaction from the dog. And so while you teach how to treat the baby , the best is both are under supervision.

dog drawing attention

Obviously, no matter how hard you try, your dog will end up getting less attention than before.

This can trigger certain attention-getting behaviors, whether out of boredom, because you feel lonely, or because of stress caused by the constant noise made by the baby.

To avoid stress on your dog, it will be essential. make sure he sleeps properly .

While your baby regulates the time , will wake up and cry constantly through the night , that disturbs frog the habits of sleep of your dog , therefore, he will stay tired and a little grumpy.

If your dog sleeps in your room, the best you can do is get used to sleeping in the hallway. r or in another place where the baby’s crying doesn’t wake him up .

Boredom is another thing you have to deal with, for that, we recommend that you take the dog to walk r twice a day. Search to walk or run for a Good time, this way he will be tired and may to spend all the energy that accumulates when you can’t be with him .

This will be much easier and less traumatic. O , if you have a spouse, an older child or if you live with other people, so they can follow the the dog during these transition periods.

Think of your dog as an extra member of the family, don’t get careless or leave him alone, remember that he is your responsibility and that you have decided to have him, dogs are great with children, so give them an opportunity for both of them to have a new best friend.

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