When A Child Asks His Parents For A Dog

When a child asks his parents for a dog

At some point in your life, as a parent, your child may have asked you for several things, including a brother or a Pet. As for the first one, I can’t advise you on anything, but if you want, know what to do when a child asks their parents for a dog, be sure to read this post to know what to do.


When children ask for a pet...

Many children ask their parents for a dog . Some don’t know what to do, especially if they’ve never had pets at home.

Dogs can seem like a nuisance: the smells, fur everywhere, dirt and noise . The truth is that anyone who has never had a pet at home does not know the good things that a furry friend can bring.

Before saying yes to your child, explain to him what it means to have a pet. You must make him realize that a dog is not a child’s toy, but a living being that needs a lot of care.

The whole family should keep in mind that family life will change completely and that, in addition to a pet, the family will have a new member.

If you decide to give your child a dog, we recommend that you go to a shelter. . In it you will find many options of animals for your child to choose from.

In addition to teach your child how to give love and affection, you are giving a new home to an abandoned dog . Let your child choose.

You will soon notice that the dog has become an essential part of the family. Dogs help many children to socialize and be responsible. Having a dog has many advantages that you might never have thought of.


Children who grow up with animals

When you drop food on the floor, you no longer have to clean up. be it in the kitchen or  in the dining room, the new family member will not be embarrassed to “clean up” anything that falls out.

Plus, you no longer have to worry about leftover food, because he’ll take care of them too.

Another big advantage is that they encourage exercise. . Your kids will never be more exercised than with a dog.

Walking or playing with the dog is ideal for tiring children and so they can go to bed early. Furthermore, the children will be very well taken care of.

A pet teaches them to take responsibility. helps them to be more tolerant, understanding and managing your frustrations.

Dogs are dependent on human beings for most of their activities and their children, by helping them, will incorporate values ​​so that they can then apply them in their daily lives, not only within the family, but also in the society.

This learning considers that children  they will no longer think only about themselves, but will also start thinking about another being, in this case, the dog.  

Children will also begin to understand that the decisions they make depend on other things like feeding the furry little one, walking him or taking him to the vet.

The main advantage is the family union. The dog will begin to be an axis around which many family activities revolve.

From the moment the puppy gets home, you will notice that many of the plans for the future will start to include the dog.

But it will also benefit you. In addition to the benefits already mentioned, when you have a pet, within just a few days, you will find that whenever you get home, it will welcome you with pleasure and joy.

It will move its tail, perhaps give other signs of affection, such as jumping or barking. If you ever stay at home, you will have a unique company.

Without you realizing it, you’ll be talking to him, telling him about your day and also asking your dog questions. Don’t be afraid, you’re not going crazy. It is part of the assimilation process, as the dog has become a member of the family.

If your child has any health problems, put the pros and cons in the balance, even so, owning a dog is a decision to consider, give your child the pleasure of having a dog.

Schedule the arrival of the newest family member with your child and make plans for it: buy some toys , a leash, a guide and everything he will need to feel at home.

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