When Cats Change Our Lives

when cats change our lives

Love and respect for animals should be one of the most important things in our lives. The arrival of a new feline in our home has a big emotional component. Also, cats can bring us significant benefits.

How can cats change our lives? What are the benefits of adopting a feline?

Some of the advantages of integrating cats into our daily lives

  • The company. There is nothing better than arriving home and feeling the affectionate waiting of our new pet, who will give us a warm welcome with their attention and affection.
  • Improves self-esteem. With the company of a cat, we will not think so much about everyday concerns, as we will have another living being to take care of. This increases well-being levels and helps reduce anxiety and stress.
  • The feline will be the center of attention of all visits  from family and friends who come home. In addition, many of the conversations will involve the animal’s daily routine. The kitten itself can be present at these times.
  • We can socialize more through social media. There are hundreds of forums and websites to share photos, stories about cats etc.
  • When choosing a pet, remember that cats are characterized by independence and autonomy. They are also easy to learn.

a very old mascot

If we go back in time, we will see that cats occupied a very important position in Ancient Egypt. They were considered protectors of the sun, of men, of the home. They were extremely respected.

Already during the Middle Ages, the superstitions, fears and fears of the time were brutal with cats. Cats were associated with bad omens.

Fortunately, nowadays, cats are once again playing an important role in our lives.

Helping cats to treat diseases

It is said that cats work with our energy, collect it and help us by transforming it. The positive effect of purring pussies has been demonstrated, which brings us serenity and makes us forget about problems and worries.

It’s funny how, on many occasions, the cat shares with us the same symptoms and emotional imbalances. We can often notice these emotions in the pussy, but we don’t recognize them as our own. Situations of stress, fear, anxiety, intolerance, isolation, etc.

For example, when cats insist on sleeping in a certain part of our body, it’s possible that you may unknowingly need a healing or energy booster there. In parts of the body that felines usually touch, illnesses, tumors, nodules or emotional problems can be diagnosed.

the cat’s needs

Although they are quite independent, cats are animals with some basic needs. If they are not met, they can become stressed or sick, even running away from home.

Cats are often rejected because they are not animals that you can take, hold, grab etc. They have another personality type.

science proves

Some scientific research has concluded that cat owners are less likely to die within a year of a heart attack than cat owners who don’t have a feline at home. Thus,  petting a cat or listening to its meow helps in the vasodilation of peripheral arteries and vessels, promoting relaxation.

Another study by researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles, proved that a 12-minute visit by a dog or cat to hospitalized cardiac patients is able to improve their lung and cardiac function.

Researchers call “positive effects” all these advantages that these animals give to humans and classify them into three types: psychological, physical and social.

social benefits

Living with a cat is very beneficial for the children in the house. In addition, taking care of the pet’s schedule and needs is also a good exercise for children’s memory and concentration.

In the case of the elderly, interaction with cats works as a natural antidepressant. Just taking responsibility for the pussy’s needs can be of great help to them.

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