Why Are Pugs Or Are Ideal For Inexperienced Owners?

Why are Pugs or are ideal for inexperienced owners?

Make sure you’ve thought it through and studied the situation well. But beyond that, think of all the advantages and also the disadvantages that all situations involving having an animal involve.

But if you know you took the best decision . Extend the family by adopting a dog. If you haven’t decided the race yet,  stay tuned, we’ll show you below how Pugs or Carlinos are perfect for inexperienced owners.

the carlines

Carlinos are small dogs of Chinese origin brought to Europe by the Dutch and English. The breed was the favorite of European royalty in many reigns. They are known around the world in different ways such as mop, mol, carlin, carlino, pug-dog.

Currently, we can see more and more animals on the streets. Not only for their beauty, but because of their characteristics, they became ideal animals for many types of homes.

It is a friendly dog, likes to be with its owner, does not bark excessively and has a tendency to have problems with the balance, something very common to humans. Don’t forget that, in addition, they are very friendly, fun and have a peaceful character.

Surely you are already beginning to want to live together, but first let’s know more about them. Let’s start with the story.

History of Pugs


The origin is somewhat uncertain, as is the case with many other breeds. The most accepted explanation is that come from China, and that could have kinship relations with the Pekingese . Later they reached the European continent, to the Royal family of Belgium.

However, it seems, the name Carlin derives from   an 18th century Italian actor named Carlin , who played a Harlequin that they thought looked like this breed of animal, due to the mask he wore on his face.

While Pug means mountain, he believes that the name was given to the breed because part of the animal’s anatomy is very particular.

Main characteristics of the Carlinos

  • They usually measure some 28 centimeters in their adult age and reach a weight between 6 and 8 kilos, but, as we said, they have a great tendency to get fat,  so it is necessary to take care of their diet and be aware of the amount of food they eat.

If they gain a lot of weight it is important to consult your veterinarian.

  • They are in good health but suffer from obesity and are at risk for diabetes and heart problems;
  • Prefer walking than running and like to be loose in the air;
  • They are attentive and learn quickly;
  • They don’t withstand high temperatures well, so in summer,  choose the hours with less sun to take them for walks;
  • They love to play and have you as their best friend;
  • keep your things and are always on the alert.

Why are Pugs great as a first dog?

As we were talking about at the beginning, Pugs have an especially nice character that greatly facilitates coexistence . They have little difficulty adjusting to a new home, and they don’t need to get much exercise, so owners don’t have to invest a lot of time in taking them out.

Of course, being your first dog you don’t have ample experience in not only taking care of but also training your new pet.

Although we’ve already said that he won’t be a very active dog, that doesn’t stop us from needing to develop certain routines and mark what are appropriate behaviors and what are not. Let’s not forget that, no matter how calm it is, it’s still an animal.

You will have the great advantage of being able to teach all the things you want him to learn. It will be a very pleasant process unlike what happens with other more disobedient types of dogs.

How to train Pugs


As in any other education class, by limits to the dog it’s fundamental. To do this, you first have to be clear what you want those limits to be. For example, determining where he goes to sleep, what room he can go into, or how he should behave with strangers.

Once you get clear, hold firm and educate him with care . It is essential to understand that the key to a good relationship with our Pug and, in general, with any dog, is the education we give them.

If we do it properly we will make everything a success, while, if we don’t take it seriously , you know what the consequences will be.

If you chose a Pug as your first pet, congratulations! Maybe it was a good decision.

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