Women Or Men, Who Gets Along Better With Dogs?

Women or Men, who gets along better with dogs?

Since prehistory, human beings have tried to control other species in the animal kingdom. However, the only breed that showed complete submission was the canine breed. They, from their ancestors, the wolves, have been human beings’ unconditional companions. But does this have to do with the person’s gender? Women or men, which gender gets along better with dogs? We find the answer to this below.

Little by little, women and men with dogs became members of the family nucleus.

No grudges…

Dogs are, for many, something more than just a pet. These animals don’t feel hatred or resentment, and are able to forgive easily, loving their owner regardless of his faults.

It has been established that dogs understand human beings, whether they are men or women. If we stop to reflect on the topic and according to race, culture, gender, we ask ourselves several questions. Who gets along better with dogs? Or who understands them better?

Women or men, who likes the dog better?

According to a study by the University of Hungary and published by the Royal Society Open Science , women better understand “man’s best friend”.

The explanation for the result obtained by the study is found in the female instincts. These instincts give women the ability to be able to understand certain sounds better than men. An example of this is your babies’ crying.

The tests performed in the previous study consisted of inviting 40 men and 40 women. Experts had them listen to a series of recordings of the grunts, howls and cries of dogs. Then, these people had to decide what were the sensations experienced by the pet when they made that sound.

Options from which women and men could choose

The poll had the possible solutions that indicated the sensations experienced by the pet:

  • Fear
  • annoyance
  • Hungry
  • Despair
  • Happiness
  • will to play

Results revealed by tests

Women obtained around 81% of correct answers when choosing the option “willing to play”, 60% for the alternative “hunger” and 50% for “fear”. Data much more positive than men.

The dog as an agent of peace in the face of gender violence

The bonds between the dog and the woman go far beyond a simple friendship. An example of this is the situation of gender violence in Spain. Although there are significant advances, whether in the form of punishments, education, surveillance, etc., there is still a long way to go.

The number of court orders determining the removal of men from women exceeds 168,000 in Spanish territory, issued at the request of women. Some foundations, such as Escan, in Valencia, were willing to train dogs to reduce this type of attack.

This interaction between the dog and the woman, taking advantage of the physical strength of some breeds, can be understood as one more reason for the questioning we make.

Anyway, in addition to the degree of affection of the dog, it will depend on the time dedicated to him and the affection for him.

Conclusions of the different studies carried out

Women have higher scores than men in the affective aspects of their relationship with the dog. Among other things, because they are more affectionate and satisfy your pet’s “whims”, as well as giving them “gifts” more often.

Childless women are closer to their dog emotionally. There is a lot of talk about affective needs, which are resolved by a pet. In this sense, it is always good to avoid over-humanizing our animals.

The bond between the dog and its owners

The physical and psychological benefits of having a pet are well known. Our pets help us reduce stress and anxiety levels. There are experts who guarantee that people who have dogs are less likely to suffer heart problems.

Statistically, it has been proven that many people who live alone are perfectly happy with a companion animal by their side.

What is the basis of the bond between dogs and humans? The confidence. The dog has to gain confidence in its owner or guide. As with humans, trust is difficult, it is not always easy to gain someone’s trust. However, it can be easily lost.

The ties between the dog and the owner can be physical or emotional.

The physical bond means that the animal sees us as a provider of its physical needs. We are the one who satisfies what he needs to eat, drink, feel comfortable and warm, etc.

The emotional bond is more complex. It can be earned through play. The games between the dog and its owner are also associated with obedience, with our dogs learning new things.

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