Your Child Can Learn To Care For A Pet Through Play

Your child can learn to care for a pet through play

We know that all children love animals. However, just as it is important to make them understand that they are not a toy, it is also necessary to show your child that it is a responsibility and that they must take care of them.

Now, teaching a child to fulfill responsibilities is not an easy task. But if we learn to do it through play, things get a lot better. Even if you don’t believe it, learning to care for an animal can be done through games. We’ll tell you how.

Teach your child to take care of your pet with play

The first thing we should teach children is that responsibilities don’t have to be tedious. You should know that taking care of a pet can be a lot of fun. Going little by little assigning them tasks related to the care of animals will help them to gradually learn.

However, for children to want to fulfill these responsibilities, we will need them to see them as a game, as a time to have fun. Here are some ideas for achieving this:


Combing a dog, depending on the type of fur it has, can be tedious, so your child may not find the idea very funny. However, if they do it together and you start tickling your child little by little, and more or less when the task is finished, chances are your pet will also join in the fun and start the war!

This will make the child have fun even though they are doing a job they might not possibly enjoy. But from then on, every time you hear “combing the dog”, you will remember that moment and will be happy to do so.


play with water

What child doesn’t like to play with water? Taking advantage of the dog’s bath for this is a brilliant idea. Of course, you already know that you will soon have to clean everything up, but what is that compared to the satisfaction of seeing your child smile?

Bathe the dog together, and enjoy splashing water on your child, everyone loves it! And you will see how very likely it is that soon he will want to bathe the dog himself.

play with hairstyles

After the water play, or even if it’s winter and you prefer not to, you can play with the hairstyles.  After you have bathed your dog, you can do different and fun hairstyles that will put a smile on your child’s face.

Then you can let him do some on you and you do some on him. It will be a very special hairdressing session that he will never forget. Drying the pet next time will be a pleasure for him.


Find a place where the dog can run and not escape. Your child may think that when he’s in the comfort of home, it’s a big hassle to have to go out for a walk with the animal. But if you see that there are places where you can both run and play together, without censorship and limits, you will always want to accompany you.

In addition to having fun, they will be doing extra physical exercise that will be very good for them.

Offer prizes and rewards

Another idea to consider is that you can propose a long-term game for your child. In a small box that you should keep closed and hidden, you can put many things your child likes: crayons, chocolates, figurines, treats and anything else that comes to mind.

Talk about the chest as a treasure and that he must fight to get the reward. Say that for each task he needs to do with the pet, and that is completed, he can earn as many points as he sees fit until he reaches the amount of points needed to get the treasure.  It will be a perfect motivation that your child will not be able to refuse!

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